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Tag: Amazing Older Adults

Don’t Get Scammed!

Scams are big business and they’re increasingly targeting seniors, putting them at great risk of losing their assets, their independence and confidence. The lasting trauma of being ripped off can destroy their sense of trust, hope and wellbeing. The shame is overwhelming. “Seniors lost $177 million in 2023 which was an increase from $136.4 million…
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Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s

By Joanne Richard. Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s – Spring is in sight, and with it comes new energy and opportunities, possibly even a different career path and purpose. While some of us are happy to quietly retire and leave the grind behind, other seniors are finding purpose in launching brand new careers. Studies…
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Meet Edith-Wilma Connor

This grandma can lift more than you Some grandmothers bake cookies, some crochet, and some still work the 9-5 grind, but not too many can claim to lift more than the weight of most men in their 20s. Meet Edith-Wilma Connor – mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother extraordinaire and Guiness Book of World Records holder. Meet…
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Gloria Steinem – Woman of Vision

Blazing trails since the 1960s, Gloria Steinem, at 84 hasn’t begun to slow down. Author, journalist, activist, and speaker her name still commands immediate understanding and you know something big is happening. From the first cover of Ms. Magazine in 1972 to her most recent talk with Barbara Smith of Kitchen Table Press, Gloria remains…
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Meet Hiroshi Hoketsu

Meet Hiroshi Hoketsu – Horseman and Hope for Old Men Eyes 2020 Olympic Games Over fifty years after Hiroshi Hoketsu first took the world stage at the 1964 Olympics, this Japanese Equestrian isn’t just horsing around. He now holds the record – as of the 2012 London Olympic Games – as oldest Olympian ever to…
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Jane Goodall – Indomitable Spirit (Breaking Glass Ceilings)

Celebrating her 84th birthday in Chicago last month, Jane Goodall is a household name in both activist circles, animal rights, and as a stand-out primatologist. But, in 1944, WWII was in its downhill slide and little girls from Britain didn’t dream of Africa. Well, except for ten-year-old Jane Goodall, whose naturally curious and inquisitive nature…
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This Baby Boomer’s Got Zip – Moses Znaimer

Moses Znaimer knows how to keep up with the times. “40-year olds have 65-year old parents, 30-year olds have 80-year old grandparents. We stand for the solidarity between the generations.”  – Moses Znaimer From his earliest days, he has been a dreamer, a visionary, an innovator, and shows no signs of slowing down. A Champion…
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Meet BJ McHugh Oldest Female Marathon Record Holder

“I set goals and when I do, I’m determined to keep it. And that’s why I finish.” They say you’re never too old to learn something new, and BJ McHugh, is no exception. Known as the ‘Flying Granny’, Betty Jean (BJ) has been running marathons since 2009, with her first invitation from a coordinator in…
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