Gloria Steinem – Woman of Vision

Gloria Steinem – Woman of Vision

Blazing trails since the 1960s, Gloria Steinem, at 84 hasn’t begun to slow down. Author, journalist, activist, and speaker her name still commands immediate understanding and you know something big is happening. From the first cover of Ms. Magazine in 1972 to her most recent talk with Barbara Smith of Kitchen Table Press, Gloria remains at the forefront of social and political happenings around the world. At 79, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama, and watches in wonder at the next generation of women leaders. Make no mistake though, Miss Steinem still leads and does not sit the sidelines.

Here’s Gloria’s video interview with Barbara Smith at the 2018 Maker’s Conference. For some, it’s an eyeopener, for others, an affirmation. Which camp will you be?

Author of nine books, editor and creator of Ms. Magazine, writer for New York Magazine, and political activist, she says of today’s women’s movement, “I’ve never seen this much activism in my life,” referring to gun control activism, the Women’s March and the increasing number of women running for office. “It’s way, way more than anything I’ve ever seen.”

Sitting down for a video series on Human Heroes, Alex Spurt, head of creative at Everlane said of Gloria Steinem, “For over 50 years she’s fought on behalf of disempowered and disenfranchised women all over the globe and even now, at 84 years old, she still uses her voice to educate and inspire every day.”

Her calendar remains full as she speaks at colleges, continues her writing, interviews other makers, and is looked to as an authority in leadership for women everywhere. Though Kim Jong-Un just crossed the DMZ a few days ago, Steinem and a handful of Korean women did it in 2015. The Women’s March in January 2017, yes, she was there – in the lead.

Gloria Steinem is oft quoted, but if you’re a trailblazer, too, we thought this quote fit the bill best,

“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities.

Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”

You’re never too old to follow your dreams or to create new ones. Whatever you want to do, do it. Whoever you want to be, be it. Age is a number, not a state of mind. We are discovering more and more remarkable older adults.  There will not be enough time to catalogue them all but we will keep going and finding people and tactics that will help Older Adults live a better life.

With advancements in modern medical technology, the rise of healthy living at every age, and a new lease on life for independent seniors, we have more time than ever to connect with our elders. We all have goals, aspirations, family and expectations, and we are constantly on the lookout for stories to inspire and drive us. Life doesn’t end at 65, 70 or even 100 for that matter. For some, over 60 is only the beginning.

Are you 65 or older and have an amazing story to tell? We want to hear from you. We want to hear stories about seniors that break the mold, like our 83-year old competitive bodybuilder and Guinness Book of World Record holder. Or our oldest athlete in the 2012 London Olympic Games, now eyeing the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games as an Equestrian. Or Gloria Steinem, woman of vision, political activist, and journalist, still thriving at nearly 85.

Do you know any amazing older adults that we can feature on our Blog?   Let us know in the comments below.


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