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Recommended March Home Maintenance

Recommended March Home Maintenance

March is a great transition month from winter to spring and opens up a whole new set of maintenance tasks around the home. Let’s explore the recommended Maintenance below:

Estimated time for this visit: 2 hours 30 minutes

This months visit covers:

  • Roof and Exterior Inspection: Check for any damage or wear caused by winter weather and ensure the exterior is ready for the upcoming spring.
  • Appliance and Utilities: Inspect essential appliances and utilities to ensure they are functioning properly and efficiently.
  • Basement and Foundation: Assess the basement and foundation for any signs of damage or water infiltration, addressing any issues to maintain structural integrity.
  • General Maintenance: Perform general upkeep tasks to keep the home in optimal condition for the transition to spring.
Home Maintenance Checklist for January

This March Home Maintenance Checklist was developed for education and entertainment only. If you need assistance, please contact 

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