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Recommended February Home Maintenance

Recommended February Home Maintenance

February can be a dark and dingy month for many people. Winter is in and it’s cold in most areas north of Florida!  A little home maintenance can make February a bright month in you home.

Estimated time for this visit: 3 hours

This months visit covers:

  • Pets and Plants: Care and maintenance tips for pets and plants to ensure their well-being.
  • Kitchen Maintenance: Inspection and cleaning of kitchen appliances and surfaces for hygiene and functionality.
  • Walls and Painting: Assessment of walls and painting needs, including touch-ups or maintenance.
  • General Maintenance: Addressing any additional maintenance needs to keep the living space in optimal condition for Elderable Members.
Home Maintenance Checklist for January

This February Home Maintenance Checklist was developed for education and entertainment only. If you need assistance, please contact

Also check Recommended January Home Maintenance.

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