Toronto Public Library’s digital literacy initiatives

Toronto Public Library’s digital literacy initiatives

If you have no idea how to use a computer, you’re not alone. In the present age of rapid digital growth, many seniors may feel lost when it comes to how the use of computers can enhance their lives.

Toronto Public Library is expanding their digital literacy programs to help seniors overcome what seems to be a “mission impossible” for many.

How can you benefit?

Attending their digital literacy programs can provide increased social interaction and engagement with library staff and other seniors, and the opportunity to stay connected with those who may have similar interests.

The opportunity to use computers with free internet access is a valuable resource. They’re increasingly becoming the most reliable method of finding current information, so learning how to use them can assist you in increasing your overall access to senior services.

Types of classes for digital literacy

Beginner classes

For these you don’t need any computer knowledge and can learn:

  •         The basics of using computer components
  •         Recognizing computer threats & scams
  •         Use of games, puzzles & doodling
  •         Email Communication
  •         Internet search basics

Digital Literacy Intermediate Classes

If you have basic computer knowledge, these classes can teach you how to:

  •         Connect with social media
  •         Use Microsoft Word basics
  •         Manage and share photos
  •         Useful settings & buttons.

Registration is required for all classes, with a maximum of six registrants allowed per session. All classes take place in a comfortable boardroom setting, and they provide you with a laptop that has Windows 10.

If you’d like to take part, you can register in your TPL branch or contact 416-785-8570 for more information.

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