Tag: aging

What Are The 4 Factors Of Successful Aging?

Aging is a natural part of life, and with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience. While we can’t predict every aspect of the future, being informed and prepared allows seniors in Ontario to navigate this stage with confidence.  According to Statista, in 2020, approximately 2.52 million individuals aged 65 and over were…
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What Are The Five Stages of Aging?

There’s no avoiding the fact that aging is a process that everyone goes through, but it comes with its own set of challenges, joys and transformations. Knowing the five stages of aging can help you prepare for each one and make the most of what each can offer you. Whether you’re going through these stages…
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The Season of Loneliness

Tis the season for joy, gingerbread and celebrating with family and friends – but for far too many of our seniors, it’s a season of loneliness. Instead of a day to look forward to, Christmas can be the hardest day of the year. The holidays, with its emphasis on festive family togetherness, can be a…
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What Can Canadian Seniors Get For Free In Ontario?

Canada is a fascinating country. From its breathtaking landscapes to its vibrant cities, it’s a place that draws people from all over the world.  Whether it’s the rolling hills of Ontario, the bustling streets of Toronto, or the world-famous maple syrup (yes, Canada produces nearly 80% of the world’s supply), this beautiful country has it all. …
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Who Qualifies for Home Care in Ontario?

In Canada, understanding who qualifies for home care is essential for individuals facing various health challenges that impact daily living. Whether due to age-related concerns, a severe injury, or a chronic illness, many people struggle with basic tasks such as meal preparation, shopping, bathing, dressing, and mobility. Home care services provide vital assistance to those…
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Plan Now to Age in Place

When it comes to aging in place, there’s a quote that comes to mind: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” It may sound negative, but there is simply nothing negative about being proactive and making solid plans to remain happily in your home through the aging journey. Research shows that nearly…
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Tips For Caregiving From Afar

The tables turn and the person who cared for you will likely need care. As parents grow older, you want to be there for them but it can be a challenge especially if you don’t live close by. The distance can make it tough but you can still provide support and assistance to aging parents…
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Living bolder! – Carl Honoré’s Saying

Aging is inevitable – so how do we age better and feel better about it? Face it, society doesn’t generally make us feel very good about getting older – all we hear about is that younger is always better, and that the act of growing older is somehow shameful, grim, ugly and scary, says author…
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Celebrating Mom – Happy Mother’s Day!

Listen to your mother. Flowers are thoughtful and so are chocolates but what she would really like for Mother’s Day is a gift-wrapped box of relaxation along with some quality family time, minus the planning, cooking and clean up. A day with no demands, distractions or having to organize a thing – or having to…
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Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s

By Joanne Richard. Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s – Spring is in sight, and with it comes new energy and opportunities, possibly even a different career path and purpose. While some of us are happy to quietly retire and leave the grind behind, other seniors are finding purpose in launching brand new careers. Studies…
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