Ontario’s efforts towards protecting vulnerable seniors

Ontario’s efforts towards protecting vulnerable seniors

We all deserve to feel safe and secure from physical, psychological and financial abuse. Programs and supports across Ontario’s systems of health, social, community, financial and justice are responsible for protecting us from these threats. Let’s find out how Ontario is protecting vulnerable seniors.

Efforts protecting vulnerable seniors

Ontario’s Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee acts as a public guardian for more than 13,500 mentally incapable adults and assists over 50,000 of Ontario’s most vulnerable citizens.

To better safeguard our interests, the government promises to strengthen Ontario’s Office of the Public Guardian by improving its customer service provided through the creation of a contact centre, improved information management, and modernized service delivery.

This will help them to support the anticipated increases to case volumes and complexities. It will also ensure that as demands increase with the aging population, they are able to continuously meet their service standards and legislative requirements.

Improving prevention of elder abuse

Elder abuse should never be tolerated. We all deserve to live safely and without fear in our homes and communities, which is why the government is planning on strengthening their work to prevent and respond to elder abuse.

Actions include public education, service provider training, research, and improved community response, to better support abused older adults. This also includes dedicated efforts to address violence against older women as well as support to older people in Indigenous communities.

Expansion of senior’s consumer protection services

Unfortunately, seniors are a key target of scams. The Ontario government plans to launch a consumer protection program aimed at protecting our hard-earned money through education and awareness, as well as through enhanced assistance and intervention programs for those who have fallen victim to consumer threats or scams.

If you’d like to report a safety or privacy-related incident, contact the Seniors Safety Line on 1-866-299-1011.

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