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Toronto seniors’ access to healthy food

Toronto seniors’ access to healthy food

We all know healthy food is best, but not everyone can easily access it. So, in partnership with Toronto Community Housing and FoodShare, the City of Toronto has a plan in place to offer healthy food for seniors access initiatives that are accessible to seniors living in social housing.

Community Gardens

Toronto Community gardens include fruit and vegetable gardens, established with partners from the local community. An additional component of the community gardens is their connection with gleaning programs which involve collecting leftover crops from farmers, processors or retailers.

Additional recommendations of the project include establishing partnerships with local agencies to support community gardens and to increase the rate of garden development across the city.

Healthy Food For Seniors – The Good Food Box

Run byFoodShare, this program provides nutritious food to communities including seniors in social housing. Twice monthly, volunteers pack the boxes, and deliver them to neighbourhoods in Toronto with 10 or more participants. Volunteer coordinators collect funding beforehand, place the orders directly from farmers and ensure everyone receives their boxes.

Healthy Food For Seniors – Good Food Markets

works with community organizations to set up special, inexpensive farmers market alternatives by setting up one initial stall, attracting farmers to join the affair.  Targeting traditionally under-served Toronto communities, conventional food stores increase their opportunities to purchase fresh and affordable food. Food For Good Mood.

These healthy food for seniors initiatives have several goals; including improving access to affordable healthy food for seniors in social housing, promoting healthy eating, encouraging sustainable agriculture, promoting community development and community building through social interaction, networking, volunteerism, education and celebration.

Toronto Community Housing promises to continue their work with the City of Toronto to identify opportunities and develop community food initiatives.  To find out more, contact FoodShare at 416-363-6441 or email

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