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Tag: Safety

Tips For Seniors to Beat The Heat

Summer has settled in and it’s shaping up to be a scorcher! Extreme heat waves keep rolling in so it’s important to pay attention to your health and beat the heat when it’s sizzling outside. High temperatures are not just uncomfortable, they are dangerous. Staying safe and cool can save your life. As we age,…
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How To Trim Raspberry Bushes For Winter?

Raspberries are juicy fruits that burst with flavour to delight our summers. To ensure that these juicy bites continue to capture the summer sunshine year after year, we need to properly care for their source, raspberry bushes. Winters are the ideal time to fulfil this obligation. Winter pruning is essential in raspberry farming as it…
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Food For Good Mood

By Joanne Richard. As seasons change, so do moods. Chilly temps, shorter days, and being cooped up inside can zap our energy and have us feeling a bit blue. And that steady diet of doomscrolling – a new variant spreading, another pandemic winter – is messing with our brain. The cold, dark days of winter…
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Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Seniors

By Joanne Richard. How many times have you heard it? “I have everything – don’t get me anything.” Yes, many older folks don’t want or need more knickknacks or warm gloves, or gift cards, but there are still many thoughtful and Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Seniors that can make their lives simpler, safer, and…
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Ontario’s efforts towards protecting vulnerable seniors

We all deserve to feel safe and secure from physical, psychological and financial abuse. Programs and supports across Ontario’s systems of health, social, community, financial and justice are responsible for protecting us from these threats. Let’s find out how Ontario is protecting vulnerable seniors. Efforts protecting vulnerable seniors Ontario’s Office of the Public Guardian and…
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