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Tag: Active Living

Can Handyman Do Plumbing In Ontario?

Imagine a cozy evening at home when suddenly, there’s an unexpected symphony of drips and creaks echoing from your bathroom.  It’s the plumbing orchestra, and no homeowner wants an impromptu performance! From stubborn clogs to mysterious leaks, plumbing issues can disrupt our sanctuary at the most inconvenient times. For DIY enthusiasts, the instinct might be…
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How To Remove Snow From Roof in Ontario, Canada?

A picturesque snowy roof is what some may consider a vision of winter wonderland, but the weight of accumulated snow can lead to some serious problems on your property and endanger your health, especially if you’re already quite old. But, you may be wondering how to remove snow from roof and what problems it can give…
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Are Landlords Responsible For Snow Removal in Ontario?

As the snow season begins, questions arise as to who is responsible for snow removal. Both tenants and landlords must understand each other in this winter activity to avoid misunderstandings and legal deficits that may arise. We have taken on the task of analyzing whether landlords have the responsibility to remove snow from around the…
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Why Is It Important To Remove Snow in Ontario, Canada?

Snow removal may not be the most glamorous task this winter, but it is one of the most crucial. Aside from the comfort of driveways and roads, proper snow management prevents a number of problems that can befall you if you don’t do it. From the very structure of your home to the safety of…
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Do You Need To Clean Gutters With Gutter Guards?

Gutter guards are often marketed as a maintenance-free solution for homeowners. These are sold with the promise of keeping leaves, debris and pests out of your gutters while allowing rainwater to flow freely. But is it really necessary to clean your gutters if you have them installed? In this article, we’ll look at what it…
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The Ideal Temperature For Exterior Window Washing in Ontario

Ontario is full of breathtaking landscapes destined to offer wonderful views behind flawless windows. But, in order to have the windows always sparkling you should keep in mind the best conditions and the temperature for exterior window washing to make them sparkling. On the other hand, you should also recognize at what temperature you should…
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Tips For Seniors to Beat The Heat

Summer has settled in and it’s shaping up to be a scorcher! Extreme heat waves keep rolling in so it’s important to pay attention to your health and beat the heat when it’s sizzling outside. High temperatures are not just uncomfortable, they are dangerous. Staying safe and cool can save your life. As we age,…
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When To Trim Maple Trees In Etobicoke, Ontario

Misconceptions about trimming maple trees abound, often leaving homeowners unsure of the best practices for maintaining their prized yard additions.  Contrary to popular belief, trimming maple trees isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a crucial step in ensuring their health and longevity.  Many assume that trees can thrive without regular maintenance or that trimming harms their growth.…
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When To Trim Lilac Bushes In Ontario

Did you know that the botanical name for the common lilac is Syringa vulgaris, where “vulgaris” translates to “belonging to the masses”?  Known as the  “queen of shrubs,” the name lilac itself comes from the Persian word “lilaq,” meaning flower.  Lilacs have also been known by charming old names such as Blewe Pipe Trees, Prince’s…
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Spring Lawn Care In Ontario, Canada – A Detailed Guide

When should you start your spring lawn care in Ontario, Canada? Are you unsure about the best time to begin?  Do you want a lush, green lawn but don’t know where to start?  Starting your lawn care routine at the right time is crucial. It sets the stage for a healthy and vibrant lawn throughout…
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