How To Remove Snow From Roof in Ontario, Canada?

How To Remove Snow From Roof in Ontario, Canada?

How To Remove Snow From Roof in Ontario, Canada?

A picturesque snowy roof is what some may consider a vision of winter wonderland, but the weight of accumulated snow can lead to some serious problems on your property and endanger your health, especially if you’re already quite old. But, you may be wondering how to remove snow from roof and what problems it can give you?

We’ll tell you, plus we’ll give you some tips on how to take the proper safety measures to remove snow and avoid possible roof collapses or ice dams that can cause water damage inside your home. 

This way, you can ensure both your personal safety and the safety of your home. Regardless of whether you choose a professional service or do it on your own.

How To Remove Snow From Roof? – Safety Measures

This section will outline the critical safety measures to follow when removing snow from a roof, including equipment recommendations, step-by-step procedures, and precautions to prevent injuries and property damage.

Assess your roof situation

Before you begin snow removal, it is important to assess your roof situation. Decide how bad the snow accumulation is and how your roof is doing, this will help you determine the best approach to snow removal. (Related read, Why Is It Important To Remove Snow in Ontario, Canada?)

Start by looking at the depth of the snow from the ground. If the snow measures more than 30 cm or appears packed, this is a red flag. Also, look for accumulated ice or thick “ridges” of ice along the edge of your roof, as this type of ridge can cause water to pool under the shingles and seep into your home. 

You should also consider how structurally sound your roof is. Very old or damaged roofs are already more prone to snow and ice damage. If you are unsure of your roof’s ability to withstand snow accumulation, it’s worth consulting a professional.

Safety First: Precautions

Safety should always be a priority when trying to remove snow from your roofs. The combination of height, cold and slippery surface can be a dangerous minefield if proper precautions are not taken.

  • First of all, never climb onto a snow-covered roof. Slipping and falling are serious risks. Instead, use a sturdy ladder and have another person hold it securely at the base.
  • Slip-resistant boots are a must; consider using an arrest harness if you need to get close to the edge of the roof.
  • It is also crucial to protect yourself from snow and ice sliding down. Clear the surrounding area before you begin to avoid injury from sliding snow, and make sure no one is right below you while you work.
  • A hard hat can also provide some additional safety from falling debris.

Using a roof rake

A good method for removing snow from the roof is to use a rake. These tools have a long handle that allows you to move the snow straight down to the ground. 

To use a rake, you have to start from one end of the roof and gently push toward you. You should not push or lift the snow; otherwise, your shingles could be damaged. Clean the roof in small sections to remove snow from your roof and don’t accumulate too much snow on the rake. 

When selecting a roof rake, you should look for one that has an adjustable handle. This will allow you to reach higher areas and not expend too much energy; handles that can be extended are usually called a telescoping handle. Some rakes also have a roller or wheels, which helps protect the shingles while you work.

How to deal with ice dams?

Managing ice dams is another common winter problem that can be extremely dangerous to your home. 

Dikes are created due to melting snow, which then refreezes on the front of the roof. Basically, it forms a barrier that makes proper water removal impossible, which can cause water to seep into your home. 

To get rid of ice dams, you should keep the roof surface as free of snow as possible. This involves regular snow removal and improving attic insulation. Also, if the dam has already formed, carefully use a roof rake to remove the snow and expose the ice. 

If that doesn’t solve the problem, use calcium chloride to melt the ice without damaging the roof. Do not use household salt, which can damage tiles and gutters.

Seek professional help

Perhaps the safest and most effective way to remove snow from your roof is to hire professional snow removal services. Experienced snow plows have the equipment and expertise to effectively load and remove large amounts of snow and ice dams.

In addition to clearing the roof, professionals can also assess the overall picture of your roof’s condition and provide tailored solutions to prevent future snow accumulations and ice growths. Also, they can perform maintenance work, such as installing heat cables or even improving ventilation, in order to increase the roof’s resistance to icy winter conditions.

Although there is a cost associated when hiring professionals, this will ensure that the work is done safely and properly, which will protect your home from potential damage and even allow you to have peace of mind throughout the winter.

Preventive Measures

There are several preventive measures that can significantly reduce the amount of snow on the roof and prevent the formation of ice dams, among other snow and ice-related problems. The most effective are:

  • Better insulated attic: a constant roof temperature ensures that snow does not melt and refreeze. Proper attic insulation also prevents the formation of ice dams by allowing warm air to escape through windows and attics.
  • Snow guards or heating cable: Snow guards ensure that snow does not slide off, allowing it to melt gradually. Heating cables and other similar methods melt snow, ice on the roof and gutters, allowing water to drain properly and reduce the risk of ice dams.


Wrapping up, not only do you have to get the snow off your roof if you own property in Ontario, Canada; but it will also pay off eventually. When we do our part with the removal of snow – by taking careful measures as to which tools and techniques are implemented, or hiring professionals for help when necessary – not only could it save us money that would otherwise go into repair work; but also keep you, your family members (and neighbors) safe during hazardous weather conditions.

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