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Category: Health

Tips For Seniors to Beat The Heat

Summer has settled in and it’s shaping up to be a scorcher! Extreme heat waves keep rolling in so it’s important to pay attention to your health and beat the heat when it’s sizzling outside. High temperatures are not just uncomfortable, they are dangerous. Staying safe and cool can save your life. As we age,…
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When To Trim Maple Trees In Etobicoke, Ontario

Misconceptions about trimming maple trees abound, often leaving homeowners unsure of the best practices for maintaining their prized yard additions.  Contrary to popular belief, trimming maple trees isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a crucial step in ensuring their health and longevity.  Many assume that trees can thrive without regular maintenance or that trimming harms their growth.…
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Go Outside and Play

Thrill seeker Caroline Paul wants you to keep your foot on the gas and follow her roadmap for aging well. Adventuring outside is a glorious health booster sure to greatly improve our lives and wellbeing well into our golden years. The 60-year-old adventurer is into surfing, mountain biking and piloting experimental gyrocopters (see her fly…
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Ways To Keep Your Brain Sharp

There is no magic pill for dementia but adopting good lifestyle habits will provide a wealth of health for your brain and body, says Dr. Anthony Levinson, leading dementia researcher in Canada. Exploring various ‘ways to keep your brain sharp’ through these habits is essential for maintaining cognitive health.” We’ve all had an occasional memory…
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Eat well to age well

Nourishing your wellbeing is important. Our food choices have a huge impact on our bodies, and become even more important as we age. Eating well can enhance your quality of life, fuel vitality and longevity, and help you maintain your independence and connections. It boosts your immune system and can lower the risk of diabetes,…
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Tips to prevent falls around your home

Common Home Modifications that Reduce the Risk of Falls  Did you know that the most common reason for hospitalizations of seniors in Canada is a fall around the house? To help you with practical advice, this article will provide essential tips to prevent falls around your home. It covers fall prevention education, including knowledge surrounding…
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Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s

By Joanne Richard. Entrepreneurial Spirit Soaring In Their 70s – Spring is in sight, and with it comes new energy and opportunities, possibly even a different career path and purpose. While some of us are happy to quietly retire and leave the grind behind, other seniors are finding purpose in launching brand new careers. Studies…
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Food For Good Mood

By Joanne Richard. As seasons change, so do moods. Chilly temps, shorter days, and being cooped up inside can zap our energy and have us feeling a bit blue. And that steady diet of doomscrolling – a new variant spreading, another pandemic winter – is messing with our brain. The cold, dark days of winter…
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The Future Of Aging

By Joanne Richard. Aging is sparking innovation. In exploring the future of aging, business leaders and entrepreneurs are strategically adapting their products and services to match the demands of seniors and deliver on unmet needs and consumption habits. Empathy and wellness are driving designs for the ever-growing population of older adults – the 60+ global…
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Touch Deprivation And What It Means For The Elderly

By Joanne Richard. As the pandemic lingers, so too the suspicion of touch. Do you flinch when someone reaches out to touch you? Anxious about a spontaneous hug or an encouraging pat on the back? If you’re feeling out of touch, you’re not alone. Eighteen months into the pandemic, and we’ve forsaken casual touch, from…
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