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Touch Deprivation And What It Means For The Elderly

By Joanne Richard. As the pandemic lingers, so too the suspicion of touch. Do you flinch when someone reaches out to touch you? Anxious about a spontaneous hug or an encouraging pat on the back? If you’re feeling out of touch, you’re not alone. Eighteen months into the pandemic, and we’ve forsaken casual touch, from…
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Regeneration, Not Retirement

By Joanne Richard. Aging isn’t optional, but growing old is, says Chip Conley, mega hospitality entrepreneur and best-selling author, who’s inspiring a new kind of midlife learning and living, and bringing attention to the benefits of rewiring, not retiring for regeneration. Conley, 60, is shifting negative mindsets on aging through his midlife wisdom school, building…
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Rethink Aging With Colin Milner

By Joanne Richard. “Live longer better” is Colin Milner’s motto but to do that we need a seismic shift in how we view the aging population and cater to their needs, prompting us to rethink aging. “The 50+ market now accounts for 70% of disposable income, a number that has grown from 50% twenty years…
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Lyn Slater – An Instagram Fashion Influencer

By Joanne Richard. Don’t let anyone tell you that social media influencing is for the young and wrinkle-free. Spirited, fashion-forward, hashtag-savvy 60-plus-year-olds like Lyn Slater are becoming online celebrities and enjoying the fame, and for some the fortune. Age is not a barrier to expressing oneself – especially on social media. Active agers galore are…
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Companion Robots For Older People

By Joanne Richard. Social isolation is worsening and detrimental to seniors’ health. Dr. Nancy Jecker embraces robot companions as an answer for the aging and loneliness in the age of AI. “Companion robots can help the elderly age in place better and longer” Companion robots can help the elderly age in place better and longer,…
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How To Prepare An Aging Brain To Re-enter The Workforce

By Joanne Richard. Canadians of all ages are feeling the impacts of the pandemic outbreak but older workers have been particularly hit hard in the accompanying economic downturn. “Older workers are likely to be more experienced, more costly, and therefore at greater risk…” According to AARP research, since the onset of COVID-19, workers 55 and…
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5 Ways Seniors Can Cope With Uncertainty During COVID-19

By Joanne Richard. Spring is here and what’s certain is that warm weather and sunshine will replace the dark days of winter. “Your brain wants to know what’s around the next corner so it can keep you out of harm’s way.” While sunnier days beckon, uncertainty lingers as the pandemic and intermittent lockdowns continue to…
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Senior Trailblazers Who Took The Road Less Travelled

March is a great month to celebrate women of all ages – from change-makers and senior trailblazers to entrepreneurs and women who live out their dream jobs. “I found it invigorating being the only woman in the room” International Women’s Day is March 8 and let’s honour women who pave the way for others and…
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Fighting Ageism With Ashton Applewhite

By Joanne Richard. The coronavirus outbreak hasn’t worsened ageism – instead it’s magnified our harmful ageist culture that has gone unchallenged for far too long, activist Ashton Applewhite tells Custodia. And that exposure is a good thing: “The crisis has brought age, aging and oldness out of the dark corners and into the centre of…
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Why “Pandemic Puppy” For Seniors Might be Not The Best Choice

Once life goes back to normal and people are getting out again and returning to work, there could be some post-COVID pet regret along with our new best furry friends facing a lot of unfamiliar alone time. Pandemic puppy purchases may be in the moment, but pet ownership is a long-term commitment. Pandemic Puppy demand…
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