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Tips For Seniors to Beat The Heat

Summer has settled in and it’s shaping up to be a scorcher! Extreme heat waves keep rolling in so it’s important to pay attention to your health and beat the heat when it’s sizzling outside. High temperatures are not just uncomfortable, they are dangerous. Staying safe and cool can save your life. As we age,…
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When To Trim Maple Trees In Etobicoke, Ontario

Misconceptions about trimming maple trees abound, often leaving homeowners unsure of the best practices for maintaining their prized yard additions.  Contrary to popular belief, trimming maple trees isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a crucial step in ensuring their health and longevity.  Many assume that trees can thrive without regular maintenance or that trimming harms their growth.…
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When To Trim Lilac Bushes In Ontario

Did you know that the botanical name for the common lilac is Syringa vulgaris, where “vulgaris” translates to “belonging to the masses”?  Known as the  “queen of shrubs,” the name lilac itself comes from the Persian word “lilaq,” meaning flower.  Lilacs have also been known by charming old names such as Blewe Pipe Trees, Prince’s…
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Spring Lawn Care In Ontario, Canada – A Detailed Guide

When should you start your spring lawn care in Ontario, Canada? Are you unsure about the best time to begin?  Do you want a lush, green lawn but don’t know where to start?  Starting your lawn care routine at the right time is crucial. It sets the stage for a healthy and vibrant lawn throughout…
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When To Stop Cutting Grass In Ontario

What month do you stop cutting grass? What length should you cut your grass to? What length is best for grass? Is it OK to mow really long grass?  Does grass grow faster the more you cut it?  These are common questions that seniors and homeowners ask when they reach out to our professional Yard…
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How Long To Let New Grass Grow Before Cutting in Oakville, ON

What height should new grass be cut at? Does the type of grass affect when it should be mowed? How does mowing height affect grass health? Should new grass be fertilized before or after the first mow?  If you are a homeowner or senior living in Oakville, Ontario, these questions have probably crossed your mind.…
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When To Start Cutting Grass After Winter in Ontario, Canada

Did you know that there’s an optimal time and season to start cutting grass after winter in Ontario, Canada? And did you also know that the height at which you cut your lawn plays a crucial role in its health and appearance?  Now you do. As a homeowner and senior in Ontario, paying attention to…
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Seniors Guide to Lawn Care in North York

How often should I fertilize my lawn? What is the best time of year to fertilize my lawn? And how much does lawn fertilization cost in North York, 2024? These are common questions seniors and homeowners ask when seeking professional lawn care and maintenance in North York.  Lawns are not just a visual asset; they enhance…
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Keep Your Etobicoke Yard Healthy – Trim Overgrown Branches

Have you noticed branches encroaching on your windows, or dense foliage casting heavy shadows across your yard? These might be more than just minor inconveniences; overgrown trees and bushes can pose serious risks if left unattended. Trees play vital roles in our homes and environment, contributing significantly to our well-being.  They purify the air we breathe,…
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Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn in Mississauga: Senior-Friendly Tips

What Causes Brown Spots in the Lawn? How do I fix brown spots on my lawn? These are common questions that homeowners, especially seniors, ask when seeking optimal lawn care solutions in Mississauga, Ontario.  Brown spots, often caused by factors like uneven watering, fungal diseases, or compacted soil, can mar the lush green expanse of…
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