What Is The Cheapest Way To Make A Lawn In Ontario?

What Is The Cheapest Way To Make A Lawn In Ontario?

Guide on Cheapest Way To Make A Lawn

 A lawn is a happy place in every home where people host gatherings, play with kids, play with pets, and spend summers enjoying the sun. However, today, making a lush and stunning lawn without spending a lot of money seems impossible. But not with us!  In the post below, we mentioned the cheapest way to make a lawn in Ontario. To learn about these cost-saving and low-care tips, keep on reading. 

5 Ways to Make a Lawn in Ontario on a Budget

Wondering how to make a lawn in Ontario without breaking the bank? Here is how to do that without spending thousands of dollars:

1. Opt for Native Grass and Plants Varieties

One of the best ways to make a lawn on a budget is by choosing native grass and plant varieties. This is because native plants and grasses are more compatible with your local climate and soil conditions. This means they will naturally thrive in your lawn, and you don’t have to spend extra resources to improve the growing conditions of your plants and grass. So, take your time, do your research, and pick the native plant varieties that match your requirements. 

Fortunately, Ontario is home to a variety of grasses, plants, flowers, shrubs, and trees from which you can choose. When it comes to grass types, you can pick from popular choices like perennial ryegrass or Kentucky bluegrass, big bluestem, little bluestem, and sideoats grama. Many homeowners also go for less popular options like switchgrass, bottlebrush grass, and northern sweetgrass. Since all these grasses are native to Ontario, they are not only drought-resistant, they support biodiversity, reduce weeds, and are low maintenance. 

Wild Bergamot

When it comes to plants and flowers, you will find Wild Bergamot, Purple Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, and Milkweed on almost every lawn in Ontario. This is because, once established, these plants require little maintenance, use less fertilizer and pesticides, and control erosion. Moreover, these native plants also help increase biodiversity, attract pollinators, and restore natural habitats for wildlife in your yard.

Read more When To Stop Cutting Grass In Ontario

2. Seed Your Lawn Instead of Sod

Seeding is another economical way to establish a beautiful and lush healthy lawn in Ontario. Lawn seeding is relatively inexpensive when compared to sodding, which usually costs a lot more than seeding per square foot. Sure, provides instant gratification, but it can cost hundreds of dollars per installation, especially when you have a vast lawn. So, if you are on a budget and looking for cheap ways to make a beautiful lawn, seed your lawn yourself. 

Beyond the cost, another popular reason why people choose to seed their lawns themselves is the range of grass types and varieties they can choose from. Typically, people go for Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Both grass types are resilient and offer quick germination, making them the top choice for lawns in Ontario. Again, you want to choose the native grass type that naturally adapts to the local climate, soil types, and light conditions of your region. Plus, they require less maintenance than other options. 

Seed Your Lawn Instead of Sod

Moreover, sodding can be laid at any time of the growing season, whereas seeding grows grass with a deeper root system. While seeding is inexpensive, it requires more effort and time for germination and to grow dense, lush grass, which can be a lot of work for seniors. Therefore, hiring a grass seeding service like Custodia for seniors is recommended, and it’s still more affordable than sodding. 

3. Use Organic and Homemade Fertilizers

Creating a beautiful and dense lawn in Ontario does not have to empty your wallet. There are many ways to make that happen within the budget. One way of doing that is by choosing organic and homemade fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers. This is not only cheaper than chemical fertilizers, but it is also healthier for pets, seniors, and entire families. 

Organic fertilizers are made of all-natural materials with no chemicals or toxins. This means they are eco-friendly and do not have a negative impact on the environment. Today, especially when people are becoming more and more conscious of the products they consume daily, homemade fertilizers are gaining popularity in Canada. Since they are free from toxins, they also help get rid of toxic residues from the soil. 

Moreover, chemical fertilizers can take a toll on soil quality, making it hard to absorb all the essential nutrients it needs to grow strong grass roots. Organic lawn fertilizing, on the other hand, allows nutrients to penetrate deep into the soil, improving its overall quality and structure. You can easily make homemade compost at home using kitchen scraps and lawn waste. When it comes to the application, even seniors can spray them all over the lawn. If they can’t, Custodia offers exceptional lawn fertilizing service, helping seniors make a budget-friendly lawn in Ontario. Using organic and homemade compost, you can make eco-friendly and beautiful lawns on a budget. 

4. Opt for Budget-Friendly Watering and Irrigation

Maintaining a beautiful yard requires proper care and regular watering. However, traditional sprinklers might not be the most cost-effective solution. Sprinklers are the most popular option for watering your lawn, but they can stretch your water bills. While there are modern sprinklers that come with moisture sensors, water gauges, and timers to avoid over-watering and water waste, they can still lead to higher water bills. 

The first step towards reducing water waste is managing your watering schedule. Watering your lawn early in the morning (3–5 AM) minimizes evaporation. This means the lawn will retain moisture for a longer time, reducing the need to water it again and again. Next, you want to adopt a more traditional way to conserve water. In Canada, rain occurs at any time of the year. However, the country experiences most rain during spring and fall, whereas summer sees expected rainfall. 

Budget-Friendly Watering and Irrigation

In other words, about 7 days a month, it rains in Canada, offering homeowners an excellent opportunity to conserve rainwater for irrigation. So, all you need to do is invest in a quality water barrel to collect rainwater from the roof and use it later to keep your lawn moist on the days it does not rain. This practice allows you to use and waste less water on watering your lawn, lowering your overall water bills. 

5. Consider Low-Maintenance Landscaping

For seniors looking to achieve a beautiful and vibrant lawn without breaking the bank, there are several cheap and low-maintenance landscaping options. These options add the same charm and style to the lawn with minimal effort and money. On the top of the list is artificial turf. Compared to natural turf, this is low-maintenance and does not require watering, fertilizing, and mowing to keep it vibrant and beautiful. 

Since it does not require watering, it saves you a significant amount on your water bill. Installing artificial turf is particularly convenient for seniors who are unable to maintain their lawns but still enjoy time outdoors in their yards. In additon to being low-maintenance, this is an eco-friendly alternative to natural grass as it requires pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers to grow, making it an excellent option for low-maintenance landscaping. 

Rock gardens are another cost-effective and low-care landscaping option, which is a form of Xeriscaping. Though there will be an initial cost of having them installed on your lawn, they offer long-term, cost-saving benefits. Compared to traditional turf gardens, rock gardens do not require regular care or watering. They can withstand harsh summer heat and cold Canadian winter. Plus, the rocks add visual interest to the lawn, making them perfect for all types of landscaping projects. 

Common Lawn-Care Tips to Save Money in the Long Run 

Maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn throughout the years while making sure you do not have to spend a lot of money requires you to follow a few lawn-care tips. Here are a few tips to follow to ensure long-term savings:

  • Frequent Mowing: One of the most common mistakes people usually make is not mowing their lawn as regularly as they should. For instance, during the growing season, you should mow your lawn once a week. At other times of the year, you can reduce the frequency to once every other week to remove weak grass shoots. (Related read How Often Should I Mow My Lawn In Ontario?)
  • Lawn Fertilizing: If you have natural grass instead of artificial turf, it can still be budget-friendly to take care of it by fertilizing it regularly. However, you do not have to use chemical-based fertilizers to feed your yard. You can go for homemade and organic compost instead to ensure you have a healthy and eco-friendly lawn. 
  • Water Wisely: Taking care of the lawn doesn’t mean you have to water it daily. Instead, water your lawn 2-3 times a week to ensure the soil is moist and too wet, which can be unhealthy for your yard. Plus, to save money on watering, it is recommended to use natural water resources like rainwater and avoid relying on water reserves.


Making a beautiful and healthy lawn does not have to be expensive. In the above article, we have mentioned the five cheapest ways to make a lawn in Ontario. Follow these tips to stay within a budget and achieve a healthy, vibrant lawn. 

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